All About Love

I currently work at Two Rivers Magnet Middle School as an English Language Arts teacher for the past five years.  The school is located in East Hartford, CT and is a part of the Capitol Region Education Council school district.  Prior to working for CREC, I worked one year as a fourth grade teacher at Mayberry Elementary School.  I currently hold a Provisional Educator certification in Elementary, grades K through 6.  I have my own classroom.  I teach reading and writing to approximately seventy-five sixth grade students throughout the school day.  This group of learners come from ethnically diverse backgrounds, lower, and higher socioeconomic statuses with multiple learning abilities. 

Peace, is a family name.  Similar to Johnson, Scott, and many other families last names.  My first name is Love.  I am not named after anyone; however, my name was given to me years before I was born.  Since my family’s last name is Peace, my father knew from his young adult years that if he were ever to have a daughter he would name her Love.  His brothers, sisters and parents all thought he was ridiculous for thinking up such an odd name.  He thought since not many people have the last name Peace, what an opportunity to name someone Love.  For years, I hated my name.  No one ever believed that Love Peace was my real name.  It was not until I was in college did I appreciate the uniqueness of my name.

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