Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Reader's Theater

This Monday I will begin my mini-unit with Reader’s Theater.  I decided to mention this to my students today and they immediately became excited.  They wanted to know what scripts they would be reading.  Several of my students remembered when I did Reader’s Theater with them last summer during Summer Academy.  The first Reader’s Theater script we will use is called The Millionaire Miser.  Prior to reading the actual script, students will read the read the fable The Millionaire Miser and discuss.  Then I will assign roles for the actual Reader’s Theater version of The Millionaire Miser

While I have used this script in the past my issue with this particular script is that there are only thirteen parts and several of those parts I can easily require one student take on two roles.  This script is fun and teaches a great lesson on stinginess, however if you know of any other resources or websites that have leveled Reader’s Theater scripts please let me know. I am always on the lookout for engaging and scripts.

1 comment:

  1. I found it very interesting using Reader's Theater to engage your students. I know another teacher that uses this type of avenue to support her literacy unit. I have been reluctant to using Reader's Theater because my 4th grade class reading levels are all over the spectrum. A few of my students are in grade level, but many are far below and are struggling to decode simple words. What do you do in your class when confronted with this issue and you want to use Reader's Theater?
